Language Department

The Department teachers English as a Second Language to second-language speakers from Year 9 to 13.

Basic language learning includes Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Students would have had basic knowledge of these skills from Primary schools and scaffolding of these concepts are enhanced at High School level. Students are exposed to Oral Assessment for their speaking and listening skills. Writing skills are taught as early as Year 9 and exposure to different writings are taught in the classroom. Reading is a skill they must all master from Primary school and is enhanced at high school level.

Nadi Muslim College was hand-picked to PILOT the Revised Secondary English Curriculum and is now dubbed as the Model RSEC school. This is due to teachers’ passion and dedication in inculcating the new procedures of English teaching and Unit based lessons. Each Unit is embedded with all the language skills. Activities are based on the skills and concepts that maps out their Final assessment for the Unit. It is hoped that these new procedures will continue for Years 10 – 13.

Nonetheless, other Year level have had to continue with the existing curriculum. The Department has Research projects for Years 12 and 13 whereby students learn basic research skills and presenting their research at national level.

Activities that is supported by the Department involves Library Week Celebrations, IQ-Active, New Zealand High Commission Essay Writing Competition, National Literacy Day, National Mother-Tongue Day and other school based Club Activities like Literacy Club and Newspaper Club.

Mission Statement

To facilitate and teach literacy through listening and speaking, reading and viewing and writing and shaping so that learners will use language purposefully as they comprehend, construct and convey meaning.

Vision Statement

To equip students with the relevant skills in listening and speaking, reading and viewing, writing and shaping so that they will become competent language users in their post-secondary education and professional lives.

Department Members

Ekari Leilani Waqanibau


Rohini Karan


Ashika Singh


Mohammed Nadeem


Lily Maraia Naisau Chung


Meshal Manisha


Ro Mocelutu Ganilau


Washni Warsha Kumar


Elenora Racumu


Miriama Balebale